Outreach, Community Building, and Professional Service
CSCAPES is in a sense an outgrowth of the broader effort of
building a community around the field of Combinatorial Scientific Computing.
The SIAM Workshop on CSC is the premier
international event for the field.
Since the Workshop's inception in 2004, four meetings have been organized, the latest
in October 2009 in Monterey, CA. In addition, CSC minisymposia are
regularly organized at SIAM and other Conferences, and
CSCAPES has been organizing more SciDAC-oriented outreach activities.
This page chronicles some of the major
CSC events that have ocurred over the last few years and in which CSCAPES
members were involved as co-organizers or in other capacities.
The page also lists various professional services CSCAPES members are currently
providing to the computing community at large.
- CSC ListServ
- CSC Workshop Series
- SciDAC-oriented Outreach Events
- International Meetings on CSC and Related Topics
- CSC Minisymposia or Workshop at Conferences
- Other Outreach Activities
- Professional Service
CSC Workshop Series
CSC11: The Fifth SIAM
Workshop on CSC, Dramstadt, Germany, May 19-21, 2011.
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs: Uwe Naumann and Ali Pinar
CSC09: The Fourth SIAM
Workshop on CSC, Monterey Bay - Seaside, CA, Oct 2009.
- Organizers:
Erik Boman (Co-Chair),
Sivan Toledo (Co-Chair),
Patrick Amestoy,
Umit Catalyurek,
Tim Davis,
Steven Gortler,
Sherry Li,
Gary Miller,
Uwe Naumann,
Ali Pinar,
Padma Raghavan, and
Trond Steihaug.
The program and abstracts of talks from the workshop
CSC07: The Third SIAM
Workshop on CSC, Costa Mesa, CA, Feb 2007.
- Organizers:
Srinivas Aluru,
Erik Boman,
John Gilbert,
Bruce Hendrickson (Co-Chair),
Paul Hovland,
Ravi Kumar,
Fredrik Manne,
Esmond Ng,
Alex Pothen (Co-Chair),
Jean Roman,
Jennifer Scott,
Daniel Spielman, and
Sivan Toledo.
The program, abstracts of talks, and pictures from the workshop
A SIAM News report on the workshop
CSC05: The Second International Workshop on CSC, CERFACS, Toulouse, France, June 2005.
CSC04: The First SIAM Workshop on CSC, San Francisco, CA, Feb 2004.
- Organizers:
John Gilbert,
Bruce Hendrickson (Co-Chair),
Alex Pothen (Co-Chair),
Horst Simon, and
Sivan Toledo.
The program, abstracts of talks, and pictures from the workshop
A SIAM News report on the workshop
- Accompanying the workshop,
a special issue of the Electronic Transactions
on Numerical Analysis devoted to CSC was published (ETNA Volume 21, 2005). The special issue
was edited by John Gilbert, Bruce Hendrickson, Suely Oliveria, Alex Pothen, and Sivan Toledo.
Dedicated to Alan George on the occassion of his sixtieth birthday, the volume featured nine
papers covering different aspects of CSC.
Read the papers here.
SciDAC-oriented Outreach Events
International Meetings on CSC and Related Topics
Dagstuhl Seminar on CSC , Germany, Feb 2009.
Organizers: Uwe Naumann, Olaf Schenk, Horst Simon and Sivan Toledo.
CSCAPES participation: with three plenary talks, two tutorials,
three contributed talks, a poster and two roundtable discussions,
CSCAPES was strongly represented in this meeting:
Plenary Talks
Bruce Hendrickson, Combinatorial Scientific Computing:
A View to the Future
Alex Pothen, Matching in Scientific Computing
Paul Hovland, Combinatorial Problems in Automatic Differentiation
Erik Boman, Zoltan - A Parallel Toolkit for Partitioning, Ordering, and Coloring
Jean Utke, Automatic Differentiation with OpenAD
Contributed Talks
Assefaw Gebremedhin, Graph Coloring Algorithms in Automatic Differentiation
Andrew Lyons, Randomized Heuristics for Exploiting Jacobian Scarcity
Umit Catalyurek, Parallel Short Sequence Mapping for Genome Sequencing
Cedric Chevalier, Weighted Aggregation for Multilevel Graph Partitioning
Assefaw Gebremedhin, Graph Coloring for Parallel Computation
Erik Boman, Multilevel Algorithms for Discrete Problems
The 5th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation , Bonn,
Germany, Aug 2008.
Organizers: Christian Bischof, Martin Bucker, Oliver Fortmeier, Paul Hovland, Uwe Naumann and
Jean Utke.
Proceedings: The conference resulted in a volume (edited by the organizers)
comprising of 31 research papers and was published in
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering Volume 64 (2008).
CSCAPES participation:
In addition to co-organizing the conference and co-editing the proceedings, CSCAPES members
have authored or co-authored six of the papers in the collection;
one of the plenary talks at the conference was given by Alex Pothen.
CSC Minisymposia or Workshop at Conferences
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE11), Reno, Nevada, Feb 28--March 4, 2011.
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing and Scientific Computing (PP10), Seattle, Washington, Feb 24--26, 2010.
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE09), Miami, Florida, March 2009.
SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 2008.
Organizers: Michael Wolf and Rob Kirby.
SIAM Conference on Discrete Math, Burlington, VT,
June 2008.
Organizers: Alex Pothen and Bruce Hendrickson.
SIAM Conference on Optimization,
Boston, MA, May 2008.
Organizer: Paul Hovland.
High Performance Computer Science Week,
Denver, CO, April 2008.
Workshop on Scalable Tools for Scientific Simulation
Organizers: Roscoe Barlett, Erik Boman, and Mike Heroux.
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
Atlanta, GA, March 2008.
Organizers: Rob Bisseling and Fredrik Manne. Read a
SIAM News report on the minisymposium written by Michael Wolf and Erik Boman.
- Seventh International Conference on Parallel Processing and
Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2007),
Workshop on Combinatorial Tools for Parallel Sparse Matrix Computations,
Gdansk, Poland, Sep. 9-12, 2007.
Organizers: Laura Grigori and Masha Sosonkina. Erik Boman served as a member of the Program Committee.
ICIAM07, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2007.
Organizer: Alex Pothen.
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Costa Mesa, CA, Feb 2007.
Organizer: Erik Boman.
Other Outreach Activities (in which CSCAPES members participated)
Supercomputing 2009 (Portland, Oregon).
Supercomputing 2008 (Austin, TX).
Supercomputing 2007 (Reno, NV).
Trilinos Users Group Meetings 2009, Albuquerque, NM, Nov 2-5, 2009.
Trilinos Users Group Meetings 2008, Albuquerque, NM, Oct 21-23, 2008.
Trilinos Users Group Meetings 2007, Albuquerque, NM, Nov 6-8, 2007.
9th ACTS collection workshop, Berkeley, Aug 19-22 2008.
Professional Service
- Editorial boards of journals
- SIAM Books (Alex Pothen)
- SIAM Review (Alex Pothen)
- Parallel Computing (Umit Catalyurek)
- Conference organizing/program committees
- Panels
- Other leadership roles
- Paul Hovland is currently serving as the group leader for the
Laboratory for Advanced Numerical Simulations (LANS)
at Argonne National Lab.
Bruce Hendrickson since September 2008 is serving as a Senior Manager of the Computer Science
and Mathematics Group (which consists of six research departments) at
Sandia National Labs.