CSCAPES is currently collaborating with the following individuals,
projects, or institutions. It welcomes and wishes to have many more collaborators in the future.
Major collaborators within SciDAC
Some of our collaborators outside SciDAC
Cevdet Aykanat, Bilkent University, Turkey
Larry Biegler, Carnegie Mellon University
Sanjukta Bhowmick, Pennsylvania State University
Christian Bischof and Uwe Naumann, Aachen University, Germany
Rob Bisseling, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Isabelle Charpentier, University of Metz, France
Iain Duff, CERFACS, France
Patrick Amestoy, INPT-IRIT, University of Toulouse, France
Michael Fagan and Nathan Tallent, Rice University
Laurent Hascoet, INRIA, France
Patrick Heimbach and Chris Hill, MIT
Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Georgia Tech
Fredrik Manne, Parcomb at University of Bergen, Norway
Francois Pellegrini and Laura Grigori, INRIA, France
Bradley Rearden, ORNL
Bora Uçar, LIP-ENS Lyon, France
Andrea Walther,
Paderborn University, Germany